Project Overview:
Website: Click here
Team: 3 students, second year Game Design Bachelor at HTW Berlin
Development: 3 months
Plattform: PC
Technology: Unity, C#, Blender
SuperFlight is a wingsuit-highscore-game where you perform daring maneuvers as you soar through hundreds of different colorful levels.
It’s the game’s goal to gain points by flying as close as possible through the most narrow passages you can find. Basically: The more obstacles there are around you and the closer you fly by them the faster you gain points!
Reveal Trailer
To give you a better impression of the game, here's our reveal trailer:
My Contribution
Initially, all three of us were equally involved in the prototyping, ideation and system-design process of the game's development. As our vision grew more solid, we started focusing on different aspects of the game, my area of focus being the game's visuals.
My main responsibilities included:
- Designing and maintaining the game's visual style
- Creating a system that procedurally generates 100s of harmonious colorschemes
- Writing scripts and shaders for the color generation system
- Modelling and texturing the game's 3D-assets

The team consisted of:
Paul Schnepf
Shahriar Shahrabi
Friedemann Allmenröder (me)
and we were coached by our professors:
Susanne Brandhorst
Thomas Bremer
We started the project with an extended phase of research and prototyping, during which we designed several workflows that helped us to come up with ideas for games and mechanics in a reliable, structured manner. It involved lots of research and rapid analog and digital prototyping to quickly make a decision whether a gameplay idea was worth further exploration.
Here are some photos from early development:

After receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from everybody who played the game, we decided to keep working on the project beyond the 3 months initial development time, with the goal to realease the game on Steam and other digital store-fronts. We submitted the game to Steam Greenlight and managed to get approved in less than 3 days.

As part of our marketing efforts, we were able to exhibit the game at Quo Vadis 2017 in Berlin, where we gave a talk on the game's development and were nominated for the "Best of Quo Vadis"-Award.